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We are a bunch of friends who run gigs together in a friendly, acoustically wonderful open & diverse church in Hyde Park Leeds. We like music and musicians and wanted to hear even more live. Come and join us?
We tweet at @liveatallhallow
Facebook page www.facebook.com/allhallows.gigs
Spotify playlist at http://open.spotify.com/user/stevethack/playlist/78jsQHUrIS8Cf2IrVyd2ON
Email us at: liveatallhallows (at) gmail (dot) com
Small print:
Note that eventbrite is an electronic ticketing service: you WILL NOT BE SENT A PAPER TICKET in the post. You will receive an email with a pdf ticket attached; in order to reduce paper waste we'd encourage you to use the eventbrite app or bring the confirmation email on a smart phone, or alternatively bring your order number and the name in which the tickets were purchased.
Ticket Terms and Conditions for Live At All Hallows:
Upcoming (0)
Past (48)
Beccy Owen & The Refuge Live At All Hallows, with support from Musumba
Sat, 29 Feb, 19:45
Check ticket price for event
Rowan Rheingans Dispatches on The Red Dress Live At All Hallows
Sat, 9 Nov, 19:45
Check ticket price for event
Willy Porter Live at All Hallows, with support from Stylusboy
Sat, 12 Oct, 19:45
Check ticket price for event